Responsible corporate conduct and transparency

We follow the principle of sustainable corporate management in our business activities and we report all relevant information transparently. Responsibility for value creation for the entire BKW Group lies with the Board of Directors.

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Taking part in the UN Global Compact

By taking part in the UN Global Compact (UNGC), the world’s biggest corporate sustainability initiative, we are committed to adhering to ten principles for responsible business practices, encompassing topics such as human rights, working conditions, climate protection and corruption. We are explicitly undertaking to embed sustainability in our company by taking part in the UNGC.

Logo UN Global Compact

Neben dem UN Global Compact bilden die UNO-Ziele für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung (Sustainable Development Goals) den übergeordneten Rahmen für unsere Nachhaltigkeitsaktivitäten.

Management of sustainability risks and effects

Management of sustainability risks and effects

We integrate sustainability risks into our corporate risk management system and into strategic decision-making. We also monitor the impact that our business activities have on the environment and society. Here we apply the precautionary principle, with the goal of avoiding or minimising harm to people and the environment. We regularly identify and review sustainability risks and effects, and derive measures to counteract them. Examples of current risks include:

  • Extreme flooding or low water levels affecting the output of run-of-river power stations
  • Strong storms damaging the distribution system or wind farm turbines
  • Long-term glacial melting altering water levels in reservoirs
  • The rising price of CO2 for gas and coal power plants
  • The skills shortage
  • Severe or enduring heat affecting the health of people who work outside, with possible loss of productivity

Responsible corporate conduct

In our decision-making and guidelines we adhere to the relevant statutory provisions, norms and standards that apply to our activities. Infringements such as corruption, bribery, human rights violations, anticompetitive conduct, data misuse and environmental negligence contravene our basic principles. Employees can report any violation of the rules using an anonymous whistle-blower system. The BKW Group Code of Conduct is an important guide for our actions.

BKW Group Code of Conduct: a guide for day-to-day work

BKW Group Code of Conduct: a guide for day-to-day work

The BKW Group Code of Conduct expresses our corporate culture and the values and principles that we pledge to uphold. Our conduct is based on our three core values entrepreneurial, collaborative, trailblazing. 

  • Integrity Line: Das Hinweisgebersystem der BKW Gruppe

Combined reporting

Since 2021, the Sustainability Report has been an integral part of our annual reporting. This offers our stakeholders a transparent view of strategic approaches, achievements and challenges at BKW. Unless indicated otherwise, all facts and figures relate to the BKW Group as a whole.